If you’ve ever been self-conscious or anxious about oral sex – remember that you’re not alone. It can be awkward sometimes and it is no big deal. So, if you’d like to enjoy receiving oral sex, here are the proven ways that can help you transform your nervousness and anxiety into fun and pleasure. So, here’s how
Just focusing on orgasm can put a lot of pressure on you to perform – this does not make for a good head. Also, focusing on the moment will help you focus on the connection and pleasure instead of orgasm. Well, orgasms are great for sure but they don’t have to be the goal of oral sex or sex for that matter.
Another interesting way to enjoy oral sex is to involve sex toys in the play. They can add another hint of some interesting play to your oral sex experience. Also, you can choose to go for different sex toys based on your likes and interests. This is sure to let you enjoy so much more than you’ve been.
A connection forms an important part of arousal and sex – especially when it is for women. However, it can be hard to connect with your partner when they’re already down there. So, here’s an easy fix – a few ways you can connect with them – hold their hands, make eye contact, find a position to press your body closer, and enjoyment sounds.
An important part of building arousal is to freely express your pleasure through sound. Also, it can help you stay focused and present at the moment. Always know that your authentic expression carries raw beauty, far more powerful than an attempt to sound attractive. Expressing your feelings comes with the added bonus of giving your partner positive feedback.
The best and surest way to get what you want is to always ask for it. And, whenever you feel something is not working for you let your partner know. Do this even when you want it a little to the right or left. You can drop some hints like subtle movements and suggestive moans.
The true key to mindfulness is to breathe and relax. Also, it is the most powerful thing you can focus on to enhance your oral sex enjoyment experience.
Moreover, the more consciously you can relax through breathing, the more you find yourself open to whole-bodied pleasure. So, always try focusing on deep breathing. Remember, it’s just like meditation but with pleasure.
At Adultskart, you can get an amazing range of sex toys India depending on what you want. Remember, oral sex can involve sex toys and they only make your experience better. So, look more as we have the best sex toys online. For more information, you can always get in touch with us.